was a high school,sweet heart,met had dinner ,great time loan the car haven.t seen since
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
yes it wasn't loaned out for a life time ..not returned in a timely manner call the police and turn her in a.s.a.p
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
If you give someone the keys to your car, you cannot report it stolen.
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
yes. explain that there was a time set for return and the person never showed.
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
call it in to the police and tell them, you personally cant take a warrent out on someone, a judge has to do that. bet you'll NEVER do that again, huh?
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
Um, yes you can if it isn't returned within the time limits agreed upon.
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
you can take out a warrant if you have their info, but they will not add to the nationwide data base of stolen cars
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
yes, report your car stolen
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
Yes you can report it stolen if someone borrows a car from you and never return it ,it is considered stolen and i know some people that have been arrested for auto theft just by borrowing their fiends car. So if you want your car back call the Police and report it stolen.
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
YES!!!!!!!! One thing you don't do is loan your car out... If my car goes out Im the one driving. I don't care who it is.... I say if u need to go sumwheres i'll take ya.. If u think ur taking my car ur full of it......... So YES report it...
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
It's stolen ! Would you loan someone your toothbrush ~ NO ! so, why would you hand over the keys to your car ? Can I borrow your girlfriend ?
If I loan you my car, and you never return it, can I take a warrent out on.you?
It depends on your local and state laws. If this person has not returned your car in a reasonable amount of time you should be able to contact your local law enforcement agency and report it as stolen. If this person is then found with your car they will be arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle. Only a judge can issue a warrant.
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