Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is it easier to get approved for a car loan or a home loan?

both depend on your credit history, credit score, how long you have worked, how long you have lived at the same address, If you rented-have you paid the rent on time. BEFORE getting either one consider your paychecks and the money going out of your paychecks. the left over is for the car payment or the house payment.

Is it easier to get approved for a car loan or a home loan?

In my past experience, a home loan. But lenders are cracking down on home loans now due to all of the foreclosures, so I don't think it as easy as it used to be. A few years ago, my dog probably could have gotten a home loan. Best Wishes!

Is it easier to get approved for a car loan or a home loan?

Unless it's a really expensive car, it's usually easier to get a car loan. Typically a house is a much larger payment; therefore, requires more income to qualify for the loan.

Is it easier to get approved for a car loan or a home loan?

I閳ユ獡 thinking car just because the income requirements to get a home (a $1500/mo payment vs a $250/mo payment) would be so much higher.

Is it easier to get approved for a car loan or a home loan?

Depends on your income and other outstanding debt, stated income loans have dwindled, Credit Score is not all they look at, must meet minimum debt service ratios. And they look your job history

I found very good info about home loans:


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